Acquisition Portfolio
We take great pride in our work. Our attention to detail, strong communication skills and vast knowledge of the real estate market ensure that our clients receive top-notch service throughout the property acquisition process.
29 Ross Street,Gladesville, NSW
Land size 923sqm
Asking price was $3.8m
The property was passed in at auction
88 Buyers Agent secured the property for $3.2m after it was on the market for 80 days
$1m in capital growth
DA lodged for duplex development
19 Farnell Street,West Ryde, NSW
Expansive 1200sqm land size
Asking price was $2.8m
88 Buyers Agent negotiated with the selling agent to $2.6m
The Purchaser is proposing to build two high end duplex dwellings on the site
Purchaser's projected uplift of investment is 25%
72 & 74 Fitzroy Street,Marrickville, NSW
Dilapidated site with maximum development potential
Asking price was $2.1m
88 Buyers Agent secured the property for $1.9m
The site is DA approved for high end duplex dwelings
Projected uplift of $1.4m once the dwellings are complete in 12 months